Wednesday, January 28, 2009

International Jews By Henry Ford

Aku terbaca buku ni mase menyelongkar almari di rumah ku. i found it so interesting and wanna read it... ak masih belum habis lagi baca buku ni, tapi buku ni amat menakutkan dengan apa yang Jews boleh buat dan peranan nya disetiap Organisasi dan Negara.

There hav some protocol tht were called Jewish Protocol.  Sangat menakjubkan.. just nk berkongsi ape yg ak bace..

The Second Protocol --
  "The administrators chosen by us from the masses for their servility will not be persons trained for government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, played by our learned and talented counselors, specialists educated from early childhood to administer world affairs. As we know, our specialists have been acquiring the necessary knowledge for governing."

The Fourth Protocol --
  "To prevent them from really thinking out anything themselves, we shall deflect their attention to amusements, games, pastimes, excitements and people's palaces. Such interests will distract their minds completely from questions on which we might be obliged to struggle with them. Becoming less and less accustomed to independent thinking, people will express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of thought - of course through persons whom they do not consider as in any way connected with us."

The Sixth Protocol --
  "We will force up wages, which however will be of no benefit to workers, for we at the same time will cause a rise in the prices of prime necessities, pretending that this is due to decline of agriculture and of cattle raising. We will also artfully and deeply undermine the sources of production by instilling in the workmen ideas of anarchy and encourage them in the use of alcohol, at the same time taking measures to drive all the intellectual forces of the Gentiles from the land."

The Seventh Protocol --
  "To each act of opposition we must be in a position to respond by bringing on war through the neighbors of any country that dares to oppose us, and if these neighbors should plan to stand collectively against us, we must let loose a world war."

sangat menakutkan dengan keupayaan dan pemikiran bangsa yahudi ini.. anyway ak belum habis lagi membaca nya. Suku daripada buku ini sahaja sudah cukup untukmenaikkan darah apabila membaca nya. huuu~

will keep readin~

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