Wednesday, January 28, 2009

International Jews By Henry Ford

Aku terbaca buku ni mase menyelongkar almari di rumah ku. i found it so interesting and wanna read it... ak masih belum habis lagi baca buku ni, tapi buku ni amat menakutkan dengan apa yang Jews boleh buat dan peranan nya disetiap Organisasi dan Negara.

There hav some protocol tht were called Jewish Protocol.  Sangat menakjubkan.. just nk berkongsi ape yg ak bace..

The Second Protocol --
  "The administrators chosen by us from the masses for their servility will not be persons trained for government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, played by our learned and talented counselors, specialists educated from early childhood to administer world affairs. As we know, our specialists have been acquiring the necessary knowledge for governing."

The Fourth Protocol --
  "To prevent them from really thinking out anything themselves, we shall deflect their attention to amusements, games, pastimes, excitements and people's palaces. Such interests will distract their minds completely from questions on which we might be obliged to struggle with them. Becoming less and less accustomed to independent thinking, people will express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of thought - of course through persons whom they do not consider as in any way connected with us."

The Sixth Protocol --
  "We will force up wages, which however will be of no benefit to workers, for we at the same time will cause a rise in the prices of prime necessities, pretending that this is due to decline of agriculture and of cattle raising. We will also artfully and deeply undermine the sources of production by instilling in the workmen ideas of anarchy and encourage them in the use of alcohol, at the same time taking measures to drive all the intellectual forces of the Gentiles from the land."

The Seventh Protocol --
  "To each act of opposition we must be in a position to respond by bringing on war through the neighbors of any country that dares to oppose us, and if these neighbors should plan to stand collectively against us, we must let loose a world war."

sangat menakutkan dengan keupayaan dan pemikiran bangsa yahudi ini.. anyway ak belum habis lagi membaca nya. Suku daripada buku ini sahaja sudah cukup untukmenaikkan darah apabila membaca nya. huuu~

will keep readin~

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hajat Ku.

Semalam [Sabtu] ak blik ke kampung halaman terchenta Selangor. huhu lame dah x balik negeri asal ku ini.. g jalan2, jumpe sanak saudara sume, bermesra, itu ini bla bla bla... nak jadi cerita, tujuan utama ak sbnanye nk shop jer.. so ikot la fam skali. huhu. sblom g umah makcik ku di banting singgah la JJ bukit tggi tuh..

hajat mula2 nk bli camera sony cybershot T700 la ,handphone 5800 la,  last2 ak bli jam adeyh jauh lari.. 

cantik x jam neyh? bg ak chantek gle.. thts y ak bli hohoho. stelah lame ak wat pilihn, tye pendapt dr rakan2 [thx to john, alia, icha].. akhirnya inilah pilihan ku.. pasnie nokia 5800 jd sasaran ku hohoho. kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja.. hee.

ade sape2 nk blanje ak Phone ni? 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And Tomorrow..

Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate.
Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate.
Today is build on tragedies which no one want's to face.
Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced.
Tonight is filled with Rage, violence in the air.
Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares.
Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops,
knowing that my sanity content when I'm droped.
But tomorrow I see change, a chance to build a new,
build on spirit intent of
heart and ideas based on truth.
Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride.
I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ghairah, Nafsu haloba... ???

ZMR [13/01/09] [Basick Technik]

ahhh nafsu ak utk sketch sangat la membuak2, akhirnya ak lepas kan gak pd sketch book... dan inilah hasilnya... lame da ak x sketch.. rase berdosa lak.. ahhh...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Akhirnya Sempurna~

Wooow akhirnya Pic yg lame ak tunggu da kluar. Lmbt gle Freedom ni masok kan gambar. hohoho. Smart lah pic nie.. ahahaha [puji sndri lak]. Pic ni ak tujukan kepada teman2 Yg njoy bersama2 mse tu, n untuk tatapan teman2 yg x g. YEAH. hahahaha~ FREEDOM !

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Freedom 09 Party ; JB Discovery ~ Yeahh.

Yeah, Party Time!!! huhu.. Kali ni party di JB lak dekat ngan holiday plaza kat Jazz n Blues Discovery [JB Discovery] . party nye jumaat malam sabtu hari tu, abes je keje ak terus balik umah dgn pantas dan lincah, janji ngan membe nk gerak kol 6. gle pantas ak balik umah, siap2 gle tol rushing..

Ak punyer la siap awl,tp membe ak dtng nyer kol 7 lebih, mcm haram lame ak tggu. Habok ko ni Amin hahaha~ tp atleast ktorng selamat beparty n have fun. tp sayang John xde utk join us, John where u at homies?? 

ni la sum of  picture yg dpt dikongsi, pd teman2 ak, yg ak x ajk, o yg jeles x pat g tgk je la eyh pic ni.. cenderahati ikhlas dr zheimer. hohoho


At the dance floor, Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! sejak ble lah ak boleyh layn party rave neyh, bak kata Malique: "aku masih Hip Hop", ak pon masih hip hop gak ahaha. Seronok melihat dak neyh shuffle n chicks dancin n slidin to each other.. 

ni la dak2 party people:  pic atas: dari kiri Rashad, Ateng n Me. 

pic bwh: walau pon Free Flow, tapi kami hanya minum Coke ok. kalau boleyh nk bwk teh ais lagi dlm nie.. hohoho.

Antara Dj yg perform mlm tu: Bass Agent, LCK, Dr Willis, Dark By Design n siapa lg ntah ak pon da lupe.. Dark By Design Dj paling Hyper mlm tuh~

thx to amin n wan fo the RIDE. untill the next event. keep chillin.

yeah more life with Freedom. =)                                     


Saturday, January 10, 2009

1st Week Practical.

Huh Lame sudah ak x mengupdate blog ni. Ouh lupe lak dah jd staff UiTM mane ad mase nk online sgt kan. hohoho. anyway ni la tempat ak menjalani practical training selama lbh kurng 4 bln ni. UiTM Segamat, tempat die OK la.. banggunan die agk lame dan centralize berbanding UiTM ku di perak. Yg ak suke sgt2 kat sini sebab banyak pokok dan redup n sejuk jer cuaca die.. jika nk dibandingkan dgr uitm perak yg panas mcm haram tuh uishh sini lg cool [slack tempat la ceruk sket aha~]

Minggu pertama ak kat sini ok la utk bdk praktikal, staff die ramah2, baik n suke wat joke, lyn ak pon ok [ or maybe sbb ak adk lect kat sini.. hoho]. Tiap-tiap pagi kne bggun awl nk g kerja, punye liat mate ni nk bukak sebb da bese banggun tgh hari hahaha. perjalana jauh gak dr rumah ak nk ke opis dlm 40 min gak la.. Ak tumpng kakak ku utk pergi ke tempat kerja kalau la die lmbt g kerja alamatnyer merah la punch card ak tuh, abesss.

1st day punyer la bosan mcm haram. 1 hari duduk kat meja cam orng bodoh xde keje lansung. bayangkan la 8 jam ak kat opis dlm keadaan begitu.. paranoid ak. nseb bek la 2nd day ad keje sket, itu pon keje ntah ape2 die bg. ad ke diorng suruh ak kira 5 kotak callendar yg besar, terang dan bersuloh lg kat kotak tu tulis "100pcs" gle btol sje nk buli ak. nseb baik ak ni x lurus bendul. acah2 kira suda la hohoho.

3rd n 4th day kerja ak mcm da up sikit la, da disuruh pergi bilik file kemas kini itu ini, bukak n tutop file sulit staff. tp lme2 bosan gak. tp xpe la ak sabar je la.. Lagi satu ada ke patut diorng force ak utk join pertandingan choir sempena Hari Kualiti nanti, x pasal-pasal ak kene practice nyanyi petang2 lagu warga setia UiTM uhhh~ lirik pon ak x hafal. comp die next week jer...

5th day, Jumaat la paling best,pagi ad bekfess dlm kol 10, lunch klua awl kol 12, msuk kol 2.45 [sebab kerja kat goverment 3.00 or 3.15 pon bole] sekejap gler rasenyer. pastu da weekend. woow. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

No More Holiday~

Wah! pejam celik, pejam celik cuti ku da nk abes.. then i said hell no, it juts like yesterday cuti ku baru mula. warghhhhh! sh**t. Ye la HOLIDAY sakan kan sampai tak ingat dunia mana nak sedar, sekarang tiba la mse untuk practical. just 2 day more, ak akan jd UiTM staff, or sebetul nyer UiTM trainee hahaha~ sekarang la masa nyer nak praktikan apa yg dipelajari selama 2 setengah tahun.  tapi tak prepare pape pon lagi, bju office pun x shop lagi adeyh.. nasib baik ptptn da masuk huhu. esok jga ak akn gunakan duit itu or maybe i just ask my sis to "belanja" haahaha. thts more like it. alah die pon mesti tak kesah kan sebab ak sorang je adek kesayangan die, siapa lg nk habiskan duit dia kan. hopefully, ak dpt practical dengan sebaik2 nyer. amin. wish me luck guys. and i wish gud luck to all my frens yang prac gak nanti. aite.

n Happy New Year 2009.

p/s; argghh im old now. duhh, tiada lg mude remaja. =(